
Publications by family members:

Alex Kriss
Alexander Kriss
Borderline (2024)

Alex Kriss
Alexander Kriss
Gaming Mind (2020)

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Related websites:

- BreastFree
- Barbara Kriss blog
- Famosity blog
- Fair Isle Press
- Lewis Browne
- Joseph Kriss art
- One in a Million film

The cover:

The illustration above is taken from a pastel by Joseph Kriss, circa 1950.



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Kriss Foundation

This site explores family history in the context of cultural and political events.

Media Archive

We are continually adding photographs, documents, and audio media relating to our family history. Please email new digital images or other media you wish to share. Our goal is to digitize the entire existing collection of 1880-1950 materials for future generations. And your comments are always welcome!

Genealogy Online

The interactive online genealogy application, Webtrees 2.1x, covering over 2700 relatives in more than 1000 family groups is continually updated. You can view living family members only as a registered user.

Surname origins


Shortened from the Germanic Heumann in the 1930s. Probably a composite name taken from the Hebrew chayim meaning life plus the German mann meaning strong man. Thus implied meaning might be 'strong man full of life'. Due to positive descriptive, probably a selected surname, rather than assigned one. Other surname variants of chayim include Hyman, Hayem, Heyem, and Heyim. German Ashkenazic Jewish origin, German location.

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